Cambodia Sourcing

Cambodia Sourcing

If you need help with sourcing for merchandises or services in Cambodia, please feel free to contact us. GoCambodia is a Cambodia's gateway to the world or a one-stop service for all your needs in Cambodia.  We have a team of professionals with vast knowledge, experiences and contacts that can procure products/services for you in a timely manner.  We either pass your task to reputable and responsible individual/entity or we process it with our own in-house associates. By networking with GoCambodia, you are entrusted with confidence and responsibility.

Here is a short list of goods & services that you may want to go through us!


  • Garments
  • Footwear
  • Food: Seafood, Fresh Water Fishery
  • Agricultural commodities: Rice, Rubber, Cassava, Mango, Pepper, Kampot GI Pepper, Corn, Soy Bean, Peanut


  • Land Registration: Private Ownership, Economic Concession,  Permanent Lease
  • Building Permit: Villa, Flat House, Others (Apartment, Condominium,  Manufacture, etc.)
  • Architectural & Interior Design
  • Construction: Home, Apartment, Condo, Office, Factory, Road,  Renovation, etc.
  • Real Estate Services: Sale, Lease, Management, Appraisal, Site  Acquisition
  • Import & Export, Shipping, Transportation, Custom Formality, Delivery,  Courier
  • Human Resource Services

With our extensive knowledge and network, we can source goods/services in Cambodia for you in short time and effectively...

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